Tracing Beam

A Beam that follows the path of an SVG as the user scrolls. Adjusts beam length with scroll speed.


Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet

blog thumbnail

Sit duis est minim proident non nisi velit non consectetur. Esse adipisicing laboris consectetur enim ipsum reprehenderit eu deserunt Lorem ut aliqua anim do. Duis cupidatat qui irure cupidatat incididunt incididunt enim magna id est qui sunt fugiat. Laboris do duis pariatur fugiat Lorem aute sit ullamco. Qui deserunt non reprehenderit dolore nisi velit exercitation Lorem qui do enim culpa. Aliqua eiusmod in occaecat reprehenderit laborum nostrud fugiat voluptate do Lorem culpa officia sint labore. Tempor consectetur excepteur ut fugiat veniam commodo et labore dolore commodo pariatur.

Dolor minim irure ut Lorem proident. Ipsum do pariatur est ad ad veniam in commodo id reprehenderit adipisicing. Proident duis exercitation ad quis ex cupidatat cupidatat occaecat adipisicing.

Tempor quis dolor veniam quis dolor. Sit reprehenderit eiusmod reprehenderit deserunt amet laborum consequat adipisicing officia qui irure id sint adipisicing. Adipisicing fugiat aliqua nulla nostrud. Amet culpa officia aliquip deserunt veniam deserunt officia adipisicing aliquip proident officia sunt.


Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet

blog thumbnail

Ex irure dolore veniam ex velit non aute nisi labore ipsum occaecat deserunt cupidatat aute. Enim cillum dolor et nulla sunt exercitation non voluptate qui aliquip esse tempor. Ullamco ut sunt consectetur sint qui qui do do qui do. Labore laborum culpa magna reprehenderit ea velit id esse adipisicing deserunt amet dolore. Ipsum occaecat veniam commodo proident aliqua id ad deserunt dolor aliquip duis veniam sunt.

In dolore veniam excepteur eu est et sunt velit. Ipsum sint esse veniam fugiat esse qui sint ad sunt reprehenderit do qui proident reprehenderit. Laborum exercitation aliqua reprehenderit ea sint cillum ut mollit.

Launch Week

Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet

blog thumbnail

Ex irure dolore veniam ex velit non aute nisi labore ipsum occaecat deserunt cupidatat aute. Enim cillum dolor et nulla sunt exercitation non voluptate qui aliquip esse tempor. Ullamco ut sunt consectetur sint qui qui do do qui do. Labore laborum culpa magna reprehenderit ea velit id esse adipisicing deserunt amet dolore. Ipsum occaecat veniam commodo proident aliqua id ad deserunt dolor aliquip duis veniam sunt.


Install Dependencies

npm i svelte-motion clsx tailwind-merge

Add util file

import { type ClassValue, clsx } from 'clsx';
import { twMerge } from 'tailwind-merge';
export function cn(...inputs: ClassValue[]) {
    return twMerge(clsx(inputs));

Add the following code in tailwind.config.ts file

import flattenColorPalette from 'tailwindcss/lib/util/flattenColorPalette';

const config = {
	// ... other properties
	plugins: [
		// ...other plugins

// This plugin adds each Tailwind color as a global CSS variable, e.g. var(--gray-200).
function addVariablesForColors({ addBase, theme }: any) {
	let allColors = flattenColorPalette(theme('colors'));
	let newVars = Object.fromEntries(
		Object.entries(allColors).map(([key, val]) => [`--${key}`, val])

		':root': newVars

Copy the source code

<script lang="ts">
	import { onMount } from 'svelte';
	import { tweened } from 'svelte/motion';
	import { cubicOut } from 'svelte/easing';

	let svgHeight = 0;
	let velo = 0;
	let y1 = tweened(50, { duration: 500, easing: cubicOut });
	let y2 = tweened(50, { duration: 500, easing: cubicOut });
	let scrollYProgress = 0;
	let scrollYProgressVelocity = 0;
	let ref: HTMLDivElement;
	let contentRef: HTMLDivElement;

	onMount(() => {
		if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
			svgHeight = contentRef.offsetHeight;
			window.addEventListener('scroll', handleScroll);
		return () => {
			if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
				window.removeEventListener('scroll', handleScroll);

	$: {
		if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
			scrollYProgress = window.scrollY / document.body.offsetHeight;
			scrollYProgressVelocity = scrollYProgress - scrollYProgressVelocity;
			velo = scrollYProgressVelocity;
			y1.set(scrollYProgress * (svgHeight - velo * 500));
			y2.set(scrollYProgress * (svgHeight - velo * 2000));

	let ticking = false;
	function handleScroll() {
		if (!ticking) {
			if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
				window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {
					scrollYProgress = window.scrollY / document.body.offsetHeight;
					ticking = false;
				ticking = true;

<div bind:this={ref} class="relative mx-auto h-full w-full max-w-4xl">
	<div class="absolute -left-20 top-3">
			class="border-netural-200 ml-[27px] flex h-4 w-4 items-center justify-center rounded-full border shadow-sm"
			style="box-shadow: {scrollYProgress > 0 ? 'none' : 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.24) 0px 3px 8px'}"
				class="h-2 w-2 rounded-full border border-neutral-300 bg-white"
				style="background-color: {scrollYProgress > 0
					? 'white'
					: 'var(--emerald-500)'}; border-color: {scrollYProgress > 0
					? 'white'
					: 'var(--emerald-600)'}"
			viewBox={`0 0 20 ${svgHeight}`}
			class=" ml-4 hidden lg:block"
				d={`M 1 0V -36 l 18 24 V ${svgHeight * 0.8} l -18 24V ${svgHeight}`}
				d={`M 1 0V -36 l 18 24 V ${svgHeight * 0.8} l -18 24V ${svgHeight}`}
					<stop stop-color="#18CCFC" stop-opacity="0"></stop>
					<stop stop-color="#18CCFC"></stop>
					<stop offset="0.325" stop-color="#6344F5"></stop>
					<stop offset="1" stop-color="#AE48FF" stop-opacity="0"></stop>
	<div bind:this={contentRef}>
		<slot />
import TracingBeam from './TracingBeam.svelte';

export { TracingBeam };


Prop Type Description
className string | undefined The class name of the child component.