Wavy Background

A cool background effect with waves that move.

Hero waves are cool

Leverage the power of canvas to create a beautiful hero section


Install Dependencies

npm i svelte-motion clsx tailwind-merge

Add util file

import { type ClassValue, clsx } from 'clsx';
import { twMerge } from 'tailwind-merge';
export function cn(...inputs: ClassValue[]) {
    return twMerge(clsx(inputs));

Copy the source code

<script lang="ts">
	import { cn } from '@/utils';
	import { createNoise3D } from 'simplex-noise';
	import { onMount } from 'svelte';
	import { writable } from 'svelte/store';

	export let className: string | undefined = undefined;
	export let containerClassName: string | undefined = undefined;
	export let colors: string[] | undefined = undefined;
	export let waveWidth: number | undefined = undefined;
	export let backgroundFill: string | undefined = undefined;
	export let blur: number | undefined = 10;
	export let speed: 'slow' | 'fast' | undefined = 'fast';
	export let waveOpacity: number | undefined = 0.5;
	//   export let [key: string]: any;

	const noise = createNoise3D();
	let w: number, h: number, nt: number, i: number, x: number, ctx: any, canvas: any;

	//  const canvasRef = writable<HTMLCanvasElement>();
	let canvasRef: HTMLCanvasElement;

	const getSpeed = () => {
		switch (speed) {
			case 'slow':
				return 0.001;
			case 'fast':
				return 0.002;
				return 0.001;

	const init = () => {
		canvas = canvasRef;
		ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
		console.log('ctx', ctx);
		w = ctx.canvas.width = window.innerWidth;
		h = ctx.canvas.height = window.innerHeight;
		ctx.filter = `blur(${blur}px)`;
		nt = 0;
		window.onresize = function () {
			w = ctx.canvas.width = window.innerWidth;
			h = ctx.canvas.height = window.innerHeight;
			ctx.filter = `blur(${blur}px)`;

	const waveColors = colors ?? ['#38bdf8', '#818cf8', '#c084fc', '#e879f9', '#22d3ee'];
	const drawWave = (n: number) => {
		nt += getSpeed();
		for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
			ctx.lineWidth = waveWidth || 50;
			ctx.strokeStyle = waveColors[i % waveColors.length];
			for (x = 0; x < w; x += 5) {
				var y = noise(x / 800, 0.3 * i, nt) * 100;
				ctx.lineTo(x, y + h * 0.5); // adjust for height, currently at 50% of the container

	let animationId: number;
	const render = () => {
		ctx.fillStyle = backgroundFill || 'black';
		ctx.globalAlpha = waveOpacity || 0.5;
		ctx.fillRect(0, 0, w, h);
		animationId = requestAnimationFrame(render);

	onMount(() => {
		return () => {

<div class={cn('flex h-screen flex-col items-center justify-center', containerClassName)}>
	<canvas class="absolute inset-0 z-0" bind:this={canvasRef} id="canvas"></canvas>
	<div class={cn('relative z-10', className)} {...$$props}>
		<slot />
import WavyBackground from './WavyBackground.svelte';

export { WavyBackground };


Prop Type Description
className string | undefined The CSS class to apply to the content container.
containerClassName string | undefined The CSS class to apply to the main container.
colors string[] | undefined An array of colors to use for the waves.
waveWidth number | undefined The width of the waves.
backgroundFill string | undefined The background color.
blur number | undefined Default: 10. The amount of blur to apply to the waves.
speed "slow" | "fast" | undefined Default: "fast". The speed of the wave animation.
waveOpacity number | undefined Default: 0.5. The opacity of the waves.